Christmas donation 2021

Our Christmas donation this year is under the theme: Supporting and promoting children.

Children are significantly affected by the current pandemic situation in terms of their educational and diverse development opportunities. That is why we are dedicating this year's Christmas donation to this topic. Three renowned organisations from our region have been selected for this purpose.

We would be very happy if we could motivate further donors. Below you will find the contact details of the organisations.


Klabautermann e.V.
Gemeinnütziger Verein zur Betreuung chronisch kranker Kinder
Rosenberger Straße 7
90471 Nürnberg

You can donate here:


Stiftung Persönlichkeit
Öffentliche Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts, gegründet 2007
Flachsröststraße 53
90475 Nürnberg

You can donate here:
Ihr Beitrag - Stiftung Persönlichkeit (


Natureheart Foundation for Kids
Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts
Kerschensteinerstraße 11-15
92318 Neumarkt

You can donate here:
Jetzt Spenden — Natureheart Foundation for Kids (

Christmas donation 2021