Since 1886, CSC JÄKLECHEMIE has grown together with the city of Nuremberg. During this time, the centrally positioned location has evolved into an important hub. In order to make the most of this advantageous location for our customers, we have steadily expanded our headquarters into an efficient and high-performing transshipment hub. The warehouse facilities and filling systems on site are among the most modern systems of their kind anywhere in Europe. With 9,500 pallet storage areas and 2,950m³ of tank capacity 28,858 m² operating floor space.
Matthiasstraße 10-12
90431 Nuremberg | Germany
Phone: +49 911 32 646 - 0
Telefax: +49 911 32 646 - 160
E-mail: info@
With our sales office in Hamburg, the full range of products from the Paint & Lacquer Raw Materials' division is also available for you in Northern Europe – with competent advice and service on hand as well.
Rubbertstr. 44 21109
Hamburg | Germany
Phone: +49 40 22 94 57 14
Telefax: +49 40 88 94 57 99
E-mail: info@
Our sales office in Vienna provides excellent logistics cover for the territory of Austria, with direct supplies of fully assembled and packaged goods from our distribution centres in Nuremberg, Prague/Tabor and Budapest.
Hirschstettnerstr. 19 /BT Z/2/Z 203
1220 Vienna | Austria
Phone: +43 1 20 39 617
Telefax: +43 1 20 39 617-20
E-mail: info@
With our subsidiary in Budapest, we have expanded our sales region into Eastern Europe (Hungary, Romania, Serbia and many more).
Thanks to the excellent cooperation that has been in place for many years, we can offer our customers extensive, detailed advice and fast, smooth deliveries from our rental warehouse.
CSC JÄKLEKÉMIA Hungaria Kereskedelmi Kft.
8111 Seregélyes, Jánosmajor 025/25/A hrsz. | Hungary
Phone: +36 1 77 70856
Telefax: +36 1 20 43 048
E-mail: info@
Czech Republic Our sales team in the Czech Republic is also on the road for our customers in Slovakia and will be happy to advise you on site.
Constant improvement
In order to comply with the highest possible safety standards for storage and filling, official audits are regularly performed in accordance with the expanded obligations of the German Hazardous Incidents Ordinance §1 Section 1. Since no chemical changes take place to the chemicals at our transshipment hub, any risks can be calculated very readily. However, the possibility of incidents can never be completely ruled out, so we trust in our extensive risk management and its assessment of all conceivable risk scenarios.
Transparent information for our local residents
In accordance with applicable regulations, we routinely contact all local residents in order to inform them about the safety precautions that need to be taken in the unlikely event of an incident. If you live in the catchment area and have not yet automatically received our brochure, we would, of course, be pleased to send you a copy in the post.